Pre-Requisite and Instructions for Provisional Internship Certificate of Ayurvedic and Unani Doctors (Step 3)

Pre-Requisite and Instructions for Provisional Internship Certificate of Ayurvedic and Unani Doctors (Step 3)


Kindly arrange the scanned images of following documents :
  • Certificate and Marksheet of High School and Intermediate
  • Marksheet of Last Examination
  • Photograph (File Format .jpg, .png, .gif, Max. Size 20 kb, resolution 250px x 300px)
  • Signature (File Format .jpg, .png, .gif, Max. Size 10 kb, resolution 150px x 75px)

Instructions for Final Submission :

  1. Your Applicant ID will be used as your user name.
  2. Your Bank Reference No. will be used as your password.
  3. Take a final print of application form and submit it to Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbi System of Medicine along with required documents, for final verification.
  4. No changes will be allowed after final submission of registration form. Hence you are advised to preview the registration form before final submission.
  5. Applicants are advised to check the details they are submitting in the Application Form and other Fee related details before Fee Submission. Fee once paid is neither refundable nor transferable.
    आवेदकों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे शुल्क का भुगतान करने से पूर्व आवेदन पत्र में दर्ज की गई जानकारियां तथा शुल्क से संबंधित अन्य विवरणों की पुष्टि कर लें। भुगतान के पश्चात शुल्क अप्रतिदेय व अहस्तांतरणीय है।